Tag Archives: text

Text from the future

Sprint HTC users have reported getting text messages from 2016. Microsoft is looking into it…but I’d prefer that they don’t. I like the concept of getting a text from the future, actually.

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Don’t Text and Drive

Recently I came upon a site (www.distraction.gov) that tells numerous facts about texting while driving. For example, did you know that

“Using a cell phone use while driving, whether it’s hand-held or hands-free, delays a driver’s reactions as much as having a blood alcohol concentration at the legal limit of .08 percent.”

Microsoft talked about teaming up with Nuance to create an add-on to its Microsoft Sync systems that could allow you to text hands-free while driving. A website said that it would be installed into Fords early 2008 but I haven’t heard of such a thing. Maybe they just haven’t done a good job spreading the word about this system.

Personally I choose not to text and drive. But I see my friends doing it all the time and each time I get scared for my life because I can tell that it makes them focus less on driving and more on the text. I also choose not to talk on the phone and drive. But it’s a personal choice. Thankfully texting while driving is now outlawed in the state of Maryland. Now I know that won’t stop people from doing it but hopefully it will make them think twice about doing so.

Check out this PSA.

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